The Projector portal is open!

i want in!

And this portal welcomes you to operating your business with your human design on the other side of this portal you will experience success that you can feel in your bones and your bank account

especially a large and imposing one. 

A portal is a doorway, gate, or other entrance,

Have a spacious schedule that supports your energy type rather than drowning in tasks that don’t even need to be done by you

Lead and guide the energy of the world ushering in a new paradigm because there will be space for this work

Make more money because you are deeply deserving of being paid for your natural gifts

Get more leads because you’re actually showing up as YOU and your soulmate clients can find you

So that you can … 

I work less than 15 hours a week + make 6+ figures in my business.

When I open Instagram I have more invitations than I can possibly say yes to (a good problem to have).

I’ve helped my clients cut their hours in half & double their income while resting more
This is all available to you too following the 3-phase “Projectorfy Your Business” methodology.

If you’re honest with yourself you know you’re a vessel between worlds, a conduit for healing, transformation and change elevating the consciousness of the planet.

Ushering in the new paradigm. 

And you can’t do that, if you’re burnt out, overgiving, over compensating and stuck in the DOing of your business. 

you watch as your clients transform in front of your eyes from the simplest question that you see so clearly, knowing you’ve guided them to be who they’re meant to be in this lifetime

As a projector, 

people pleasing in the way you share what you see online because you’re unwilling to rock the boat and disrupt what people in your industry may believe about you and your capability

responding to countless facebook posts ‘helping’ people in groups because you’re in hoping someone will notice how valuable your insight is, 

over compensating by offering your clients things that weren’t originally a part of your program, without even being asked, 

undercharging for your work, 

launching constantly and by the time your cart closes you have no energy to actually deliver the damn thing, 

pressuring yourself to generate consistent content like everyone else does,

being stuck managing your books,

This looks like

You desire to live an extraordinary life, not one where you spend the majority of your days working, feeling like you’re chasing clients

You’re a natural leader and guide, your friends, family and business friends are always coming to you for your secret sauce. That change in perspective, but you’re not always able to quite tap into that for yourself. 

You want more spacious schedule time to go to the beach, have lunch with friends, head to Trader Joes at 1pm on a Tuesday and spend your Wednesday’s hiking your favorite trails spending time in nature, feeling a deep sense of success celebrating the life you’ve created by living in your gifts and sharing them with the world. 

Since you started your business, you’ve been putting too much pressure on yourself, feeling like you have to do it all “perfectly,” and not fully TRUSTING that your energy and desires will guide you in the right direction.

Let’s be real…

You want to experience success the way 

you were designed to instead of trying 

so damn hard?

- Meredith

“I learned to trust myself to DECIDE the right steps to grow my business without jumping from one guru’s system to another looking for a magic pill. I learned that I am the magic pill”.

Join the portal

You may fear taking on too much because you don’t want to experience burnout.. again… plus you’re not even sure what your capacity to “do” is anymore. 

Scrolling through Instagram leaves you with a pit in your stomach because that woman in your area of who started six months after you is sharing all about her sold out launch, and that has NOT been your experience. 

You know you are great at what you do, heck you know you’re better than her at what you do. And it’s not that you don’t want to see her win… you do! But why is it not happening for you? 

Maybe some of this sounds familiar:

Imagine feeling deep love & appreciation for the way your energy works in the world every time you jump off a client interaction regardless of what everyone else is doing in your space.

Having a team of people supporting you and your mission so that you can stay in your zone of genius. Having your assistant fly to your home and set up shop, taking care of the creation and the ‘doing’ to help people recognize how transformative the way you see is in the world.

People see you for your brilliance, recognizing you without any prompting or effort on your part. Your genius is only shared with those who compensate you, well. 

Positioning yourself as a projector and really knowing and trusting that the way you see and what you share is enough.

Waking up without an alarm to payment notifications and an inbox filled with DMs of people inviting you to share the way you see the world on their podcasts and in their programs. You have so many invitations that you are starting to create even further boundaries around what you are and are not willing to spend your energy on. 

Living in full alignment with your design, feeling deeply successful each day and having an open and spacious schedule that allows you to play, weaving your work into your life rather than your life into your work. Spending Wednesday afternoon’s exploring your favorite local hikes and grabbing decaf oatmilk lattes on Tuesday mornings. 


… To know in your soul and with every fiber of your being that you were designed for success & have the real-world results to prove it? (I’m talking more money, clients AND vacation time)

…To fully own your role as a weaver between worlds and a leader of the new paradigm. Knowing that you trust yourself enough to be able to lead the masses 

… To stop robbing the world of your genius because you’re too exhausted to play in the magic that is your business … and instead be able to bring your BEST EVER ideas forward

… To rest without the guilt for all the things you think you ‘should’ be doing with your time, knowing that the clients are coming to you not in spite of the rest but because of it

All of this is possible for you… 

…knowing exactly what to do to call your people to you, without having to accept the rules of launching, manifesting or cold pitching in the DMs 

fully trust yourself …

How would it change how you feel about yourself and the world if you knew you could

- Robyn

10 mins into 'all things projector' and my mind is BLOWN. My eyes are welling up just thinking about this opportunity and all the goodness to come.

Projector Portal

Your Life Before:

Your Life After:

Projector Portal

What’s Projectorfying your Business?

It’s the union of your unique energetic makeup with business strategies. 

Projectorfying your business entails shifting the way you’re operating in your business to match how you’re actually designed to interact with the world around you. 

In the words of the great Albert Einstein:

“Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.”

The good news is: when you Projectorfy your business, the business that you’re dreaming about is not only possible, but inevitable when you trust yourself enough to follow your design. We will have you soaring. 

We aren’t designed to climb the tree, but to fly. To see from above, we have such a beautiful perspective, so while we are used to taking courses that essentially are teaching “how to ‘climb the tree’ better” it’s a whole different experience learning how to to tilt your wings for more effortless flying. 

Now, I wouldn’t say that the projectors are the fish in this story, but rather the birds. 

Projector Portal is where the leaders and guides on this planet projectorfy their businesses so they can step into their full power. 

The kind you feel in your body, the quality of your life, the thoughts you tell yourself. The kind of success that doesn’t separate your work wins from your personal wins, but blends them together.

The way you’re desiring to show up in your business is exactly what you get to follow. It is safe to do less, it is safe to say no, it is safe to allow yourself rest, space and relaxation, it is safe to celebrate where you are and honor how far you have come.

Together, we usher in a new paradigm where the expectation of projectors is no longer to work along side the generators and builders but rather lead and guide them back to themselves through our strengths allowing ourselves to live in joy and that deep embodied success.

Leading your business in a way that is aligned with your energetic makeup is the only way to success. And when I say success I don’t mean just monetarily, but true success. 

Projector Portal is dedicated to helping projectors own their brilliance and welcome in those who they are meant to lead and guide without burning themselves out.

During this program we will take you through the four stage process to Projectorfy your business. 

What You’ll Learn

When you discover what it truly means to be a Projector & the role you are meant to play in the world, you’ll achieve a new level of self-understanding that will guide you toward greater trust, respect & love in every area of your life. 

In this module, you’ll learn the foundation of what human design is and why it’s the key to alignment. By the end of this module, your subconscious mind will be primed for the transformation you’ll experience in this program – so that you can effortlessly integrate everything you learn in this course, and see immediate shifts in your physical reality.


New Paradigm

Here we will take stock of what is working and what is not in your business. You’ll receive tools to eliminate the pesky bitterness that shows up in your life and nervous system regulation activities because if our bodies aren’t onboard we won’t be able to receive all the invitations that are coming your way. 

You’ll also gain an understanding of which type of projector you are: energy, mental or classic and how that plays a role in your business. You’ll better understand the projector aura and how that plays into every single sales interaction you have with your clients and why the generator ‘buy now’ buttons and CTAs in every post may feel way off for you. By the end, you will walk away with an aligned sales strategy that doesn’t leave you needing a shower at the end of a sales discussion.



In this module, you’ll learn how your intuition speaks to you, and exactly what steps are meant for you to follow your correct path including the dreaded niching. 

By the end of this module, your need for anyone else to validate, confirm or tell you what needs to happen next in your business will completely dissipate and you’ll be well on your way to radical self trust so that you can start committing only to the things in your business that are truly meant for you. 

Phase 3:


We will cover how you’re best meant to market, so you can stop spinning your wheels and using your energy to ‘generate’ content and exactly which energy you have that your ideal clients are looking for and how to create offers that best demonstrate this. 

Plus you’ll receive a bonus offer creation tool which takes you through the 10 steps to create and market an offer based on your unique projector makeup, because even though this program is just projectors there is so much variety even within the projector expression.



One time Payment

Three Monthly Payments



Join the portal

Join the portal

The Investment

Enter the Portal

If any of the above resonates, then I can’t wait to welcome you into the portal. 

‘You’ve waited patiently for this moment. You’ve likely been working on the inner for some time and now the outer is beginning to come into alignment. As changing begins we are in a never - ending growth cycle. This doesn’t mean that we are constantly in bloom. No; this means we are constantly changing. This card is like the bloom; however, it is more powerful than that. It heralds the coming and going of a whole new way of being. An entirely new story has been written. 

This card heralds a great shift in your life. This often takes time. Sometimes even lifetimes. Acknowledge how far you’ve come and how much you’ve grown. You’re a part of creating change - not only in your own life but in the world. Take a moment to take it in. 

You’re just one of many, but your being here matters. A petal in the rose of a new humanity. Part of the forever unfolding. 

Things are aligning for you and around you. They’re convening and coming together. You’re in the right place at the right time. Your outer world matches your inner world. This card is delivering a message of harmony, coming together and the embodiment of holding a clear vision for many years. 

You’ve been doing the groundwork to get to this moment right here. Perhaps for months, years or even lifetimes. Use this moment. You get to decide what happens next.’

I pulled ‘The Return’ : A new story. You decide. Alignment. It’s coming together.

When sitting with the energy of those joining the Projector Portal, I pulled a card for you from Rebecca Campbell’s newest card deck, the Rose Oracle. 

Our Energy Works Differently

There is a super disempowering narrative surrounding projectors and our ‘lack of energy’ like we can’t ‘keep up’, but that isn’t quite it. 

We are designed to do business and life differently, not try and keep up with the generators.

Just look at these highly regarded and successful projectors in their field: 

Arianna Huffington

Sahra Rose

Runs a global media company, her paper, the Huffington Post won a Pulitzer Prize for reporting and she was featured on Forbes Most Powerful Women List. 

She had an experience with burnout that completely transformed the way she ran her business. 

A 3x best-selling author, host of the #1 spiritual podcast Highest Self, inspirational speaker, co-founder of Dharma Coaching Institute, Ayurveda expert, DJ and dance enthusiast.

Jackie Chan

who is one of the most recognizable and influential film personalities in the world

Wayne W. Dyer

Gary Vee

was an internationally renowned author and speaker in the fields of self-development and spiritual growth.

Over the four decades of his career, he wrote more than 40 books, including 21 New York Times bestsellers. 

talks about hustling, but he has a team of people who film him living his life.

In addition to running multiple businesses, Gary documents his life daily as a CEO through his social media channels which has more than 34 million followers and garnishes over 272 million monthly impressions/views across all platforms

Shaman Durek

is a 6th generation shaman dedicated to giving people their power back and serving global spiritual evolution.

Marilyn Monroe

Drew Canole

was an American actress, singer, and model. Famous for playing comedic "blonde bombshell" characters, she became one of the most popular sex symbols of the 1950s and early 1960s and was emblematic of the era's sexual revolution. 

She was a top-billed actress for a decade.

is a rockstar in the world of fitness, nutrition, and mindset. He is the Founder of Organifi, an organic line of superfoods, and the Chief Inspiration Officer of FitLifeTV, a lifestyle brand founded on the principle that demonstration of positive change has the power to start a revolution.

Jeff Bezos

the founder, executive chairman and former president and CEO of Amazon. 

With a net worth of around US$140 billion as of May 2022.

Taylor Swift

A lyrical genius spanning multiple genres, her songs based on her personal life and unique perspective have received critical praise and widespread media coverage.

Guru Jaget

a celebrated thought leader who forged a new path of modern wellness. 

Guru Jagat was an author, fashion designer, teacher, musician, chef, and entrepreneur. She founded RA MA in 2013 and left a lasting legacy amongst her students, family and friends.

Multiple Leaders of Nations Including :

Nelson Mandela

Princess Diana

Barack Obama

Queen Elizabeth II 

Arianna Huffington

Runs a global media company, her paper, the Huffington Post won a Pulitzer Prize for reporting and she was featured on Forbes Most Powerful Women List. 

She had an experience with burnout that completely transformed the way she ran her business. 

Sahra Rose

A 3x best-selling author, host of the #1 spiritual podcast Highest Self, inspirational speaker, co-founder of Dharma Coaching Institute, Ayurveda expert, DJ and dance enthusiast.
She had an experience with burnout that completely transformed the way she ran her business. 

Jackie Chan

who is one of the most recognizable and influential film personalities in the world
She had an experience with burnout that completely transformed the way she ran her business.

Wayne W. Dyer

was an internationally renowned author and speaker in the fields of self-development and spiritual growth.

Over the four decades of his career, he wrote more than 40 books, including 21 New York Times bestsellers. She had an experience with burnout that completely transformed the way she ran her business.

Gary Vee

talks about hustling, but he has a team of people who film him living his life. 

In addition to running multiple businesses, Gary documents his life daily as a CEO through his social media channels which has more than 34 million followers and garnishes over 272 million monthly impressions/views across all platforms

Shaman Durek

is a 6th generation shaman dedicated to giving people their power back and serving global spiritual evolution.

Marilyn Monroe

was an American actress, singer, and model. Famous for playing comedic "blonde bombshell" characters, she became one of the most popular sex symbols of the 1950s and early 1960s and was emblematic of the era's sexual revolution. 
She was a top-billed actress for a decade.

Drew Carole

is a rockstar in the world of fitness, nutrition, and mindset. He is the Founder of Organifi, an organic line of superfoods, and the Chief Inspiration Officer of FitLifeTV, a lifestyle brand founded on the principle that demonstration of positive change has the power to start a revolution.

Jeff Bezos

the founder, executive chairman and former president and CEO of Amazon. 

With a net worth of around US$140 billion as of May 2022.

Guru Jaget

a celebrated thought leader who forged a new path of modern wellness. 

Guru Jagat was an author, fashion designer, teacher, musician, chef, and entrepreneur. She founded RA MA in 2013 and left a lasting legacy amongst her students, family and friends.

Taylor Swift

A lyrical genius spanning multiple genres, her songs based on her personal life and unique perspective have received critical praise and widespread media coverage.

Multiple Leaders of Nations Including :

Nelson Mandela

Princess Diana

Barack Obama

Queen Elizabeth II 

...or it could be exactly what your version of success looks like.Your energy levels aren’t the problem.

But it’s not going to happen if you’re burnt out. If you’re thinking about quitting because it’s just too hard to constantly be producing. If you resent how much energy you give to your clients.

If you don’t TRUST that your path forward is lit by your desires.

The level of success you crave will only become available to you when you finally stop trying to run your business like everyone else… and instead RECEIVE the invitations that the universe has been waiting to give you.

YOUR business could be the next earth-shaking, paradigm-shifting entity that changes the world...

YOU could be next on this list.

It starts now.

If you know this to be true, I invite you to say yes to the invitation that will transform you & your business forever.

Enter the Projector Portal

This is for you if...

You just found out you're a Projector last week, or if you've been with your Human Design for years there is something in this program for you.

You are ready to ditch the way that you’ve been taught to market and trust the knowing you’ve had within you that there had to be a better way.

You're sitting on services, offers, events and opportunities that you're not sure howww to birth wondering how on earth you do that and ‘wait for the invitation’

You're willing to allow yourself to do things differently than you've done them before

You’re ready to make a decision from your next level self, expand from a whole new foundation, and live into the person you were designed to be…

This is for you.

This isn’t for you if you’re looking to learn human design in order to teach it. I have some certification programs I would recommend for that which can be found on my website.

— Brooke

Human design completely changed how I view and operate my business. Before going through the program I was listening to big entrepreneurs and doing what they told me to do, but nothing 100% worked. It wasn't until I understood my human design type and how I am wired that things started to fall into place. 

And by making small changes I started making more money and worked less. After attending one of Lauren's retreats, I learned even more about myself, my business and what motivates me. I made a lot of massive changes and could not be happier. All this to say, if you're considering one of Lauren's programs or experiences - take it through your decision making strategy and if it feels right - do it! Lauren's program and retreat has been more powerful than all the business programs I have done combined. 

Thank you so much Lauren - you have changed my life!

- Katrina

It's literally the most life-changing thing I've ever done for my business -- AND my life. 

It made me feel free to be me to the fullest degree by simply unlocking the key of who I am. Things were finally starting to move and change in my business. 

It opened the doors to allow new 1:1 clients to come in, new group coaching clients, and set me on track to make the most money I've ever made in my business!

Enter the Projector Portal

If this is calling to you and you’re looking to really projectorfy your business to be a true expression of who you are in the world I invite you to join us inside. 

Lifetime Access

Creating A Magnetic Offer Program and Offer Creation Tool, a plug and play 10 step tool that will walk you through exactly how to create and market your offers based on your design and basic business principles.

Projector Portal program taking you through the Projectorfy your business four phase process to eliminate all of the time and focus you’re spending on the marketing and energy that won’t work for you. Show you exactly how you’re wired to make decisions, and break down how you’re designed to attract soul mate clients and actually be supported as a projector.

What's Included:

Here’s What’s Included:

You’ll walk away with...

A clear role as the leader of your business. No more second-guessing or doubting yourself -- you'll finally understand exactly how you need to be showing up in a way that respects your energy while increasing the money you’re bringing into the business..

Deep confidence & self-trust that truly comes from understanding your human design, your instruction manual for the way your body and soul operate in this world.

Hours of freedom every week. When you build a biz that's aligned with your energy, you'll get back hours that would otherwise would have spent working - so you can get brunch or hike or do whatever you want instead!

An action plan around structuring your business to attune to your energy, so you know exactly what to delegate & how to build team that's aligned with your mission.

I’m a 5/1 Self Projected Projector, if you don’t know what that means, you will after you’re through with this program. 

AND in English it basically means I share excitedly about the things that interest me in the world and wait until I am recognized and invited to lead and guide others. 

My unique gift is in the way I see the world and the guidance I offer, not in how hard I work or how much I do, a constant lesson I'm learning and if you’re a projector here reading this, that is likely true for you too. 

I can feel the energy of others in a deep way and intuitively know what others need to be doing to make the best use of their energy.

I help Projector online business owners and coaches break free from their 'shoulds' in life and create businesses that allow them to live life on their own terms leveraging the power of their human design. 

I’m Lauren Armstrong

I am certified through the international human design school (IHDS) for Business Consulting (BG5), as well as certified in subconscious transformation, and am a Reiki Practitioner, Clinical Hypnotherapist, Speaker and Retreat Leader. 

When I found out I was a projector for the first time I cried. 

I felt more seen and understood in that little blurb description that I read than I had by anything in my entire life. And it also clicked immediately for me why I wasn’t doing as well as I wanted to be doing in business. 


Was the thought screaming in my head and the ‘that’ I was referring to was the latest in a long list of online courses where I followed someone’s ‘proven step by step formula’ for success. 

Ya, proven by them… a generator. A completely different energy type, aura, mechanics.

And from there, I was invited to share the learnings.

There was nothing bad or wrong or broken about me, their system wasn’t meant for me and if you’re here it likely wasn’t meant for you either. 

So I became kind of enchanted by figuring out how projectors can successfully run an online service based business while honoring our energy. 

After getting certified as a human design business consultant and experimenting with my design myself and helping clients leverage theirs, I was invited to create a space for just projectors. 

Of course their sh*t wasn’t working for me.

You’re designed to thrive, in our your unique way.

A self paced life -changing program for projector online business owner who is ready to be recognized for their gifts and what they’re actually meant to be doing in the world, finally breaking free from the self imposed pressures to be like everybody else. 

You’re designed to live an extraordinary life, one filled with play and joy. 

That’s why I created Projector Portal


How long does it take to get results?

The honest answer is, it depends on you and your current situation. Most projectors will noticable results in just a few weeks, with lot of major ‘aha’s’ just by listening to the lessons.

Like Robyn who “10 mins into the first video 'all things projector' and my mind is BLOWN. My eyes are welling up just thinking about this opportunity and all the goodness to come” 

Others might take a few extra months to go through the program at their own pace. There is no rush and no right or wrong amount of time, because you have lifetime access to the program. Remember, this isn’t a “quick fix” by any means.

Projectorfy Your Business involves five phases that take you through the alchemical process of aligning with your soul’s job description.

Some projectors will be ready to shift and will see an immediate, profound beneficial shift in their emotions and attitudes as soon as they learn how their energy works and why what they’ve been trying hasn’t been working for them…  

For others, or on some stubborn subjects, or places where we are deeply conditioned the process is less linear, and takes longer.

For example, like me you may have a quick shift or awareness in the ‘how you’re designed to show up’ and ‘wait for the invitation’ when it comes to selling your offer, but you might find you have to spend a lot longer untangling another layer of “stuff” before the shift happens for you.

It took me only a few weeks to drastically shift the way that clients were coming to me and inviting me to create offers, but it took me about a year of disentangling my pattern of feeling like my business needed to validate me and was representative of my value in the world, unwinding my layers of unworthiness before I arrived at the big “aha!” that made it possible for me to see my ‘work’ as something that got to be woven into my life rather than my purpose on this planet.

Which was annoying — and yet – once I did feel that fall away the way in which I operate my business and live my life has been huge and lasting.

The good news is, this program will equip you with the tools that you need to do this deeper work on your “conditioning” to know what it is, see when it is showing up and shift it in a lasting way.

And you’ll be benefiting from all the subconscious mind hacks I’ve learned in working with my own conditioning and those of others over the years and my subconscious mind transformation certification.

… plus even before shift occurs you learn a fuck ton about yourself and your patterns, and getting to know yourself is always a fabulous idea, especially as a projector who is really here for the other and may have a hard time seeing themselves.

What happens after I enroll?

Step 1
Purchase the program for $1111 or 3 monthly payments of $407.

Step 2
You’ll receive an email with your log in information for Projector Portal
You’ll have immediate access to the first modules so you can start right away. 

Step 3
Log into the Portal and watch the Welcome Video

We recommend going through just one phase every week to give you time to absorb, integrate, and implement the lessons.

The most successful projectors take time to practice and embody the material, rather than just rushing forward.
We highly value practice and personal experience over theoretical knowledge. Living your design takes a lot of awareness, allow yourself to see the world through this new lens.

Will this course always be available?

You’ll have lifetime access to this program. Lifetime meaning as long as I am hosting this program on the kajabi platform.

Can’t I just learn this in a book?

Most human design books fall into two categories

People sharing their stories about how human design has changed their lives and businesses. I’m an author in this category

Textbooks which break down the mechanics, but not necessarily application, that book is coming from me ‘soon’. 

You can keep trying to figure out all this human design stuff out on your own and mix-and-match a bunch of random instagram post screenshots and readings and downloadable pdfs that *might* show some small results…

Or you could steal my projectorfy process, dissolve the negative patterns and fill up those energy leaks that are producing the results you’re seeing in your business now, shift into your role as a leader and guide who has people coming to YOU, and start seeing some seriously successful results in just a few weeks!

Can I work 1:1 with Lauren?

I am currently not taking on any 1:1 retainer clients but I do have the option to get further support from me during a VIP day or inside my ‘mastermind’ Projector Playground which runs August - October and February - April .


And learn how to actually trust yourself, so that you’re genuinely free from the pressure to be like anyone other than YOU.

It’s time to unlearn everything you think you know about why you don’t have the business you want, the clients you crave, or the headway you wish you were making in your business…

See you on the other side.

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