The Projector portal is open!

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You know how to use the resources no longer chasing after what other people deem successful. You weave your work into your life, instead of working to earn what you actually desire. We value rest and doing things our own unique way.

You’re tapped in and turned on by your own.

When you align your business with your design, you know how valuable your unique flow of energy is. 

Hi, hey, hello, i'm lauren!

Running my business the way I was being taught by popular online marketers didn’t feel possible for me. I was surrounded by messages of ‘keep launching’, it’s your mindset and I found myself on the roller coaster of launching. 

Spending all of my time energy and focus on an event that would completely drain me of energy, then I had to deliver the product I had just sold and I had nothing left to actually facilitate the transformation that I had just spend all that energy into selling. Or do the operations in the background. Or ‘nuture’ my ‘audience’. And all of the other things we are ‘supposed to’ be doing running an online business. 

my story

Ready to Play?

Human Design Starter Guide 

The Program

Projector Program

How to use your unique human design in your business to create more profit, flow and ease. Live version of this program Starting October 1st.
Available to all Human Design Types.

We'll explore your specific Type and provide prompts tailored to your Human Design, so you can make choices that feel effortless and authentic. With this powerful tool, you'll be able to tap into the way your natural energy flow works.

A self paced life-changing program for the projector online business owner who is ready to be recognized for their gifts and call in more invitations than they know what to do with, finally receiving the clients, money, leads, and support the universe has been waiting to send your way.

Grab the workbook

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Leverage: Human Design For Business

The Workbook

Projector Portal

Private Coaching Session

Want to grab a private session with Lauren?

In working with the professional talents of Lauren Armstrong, not only did she put me, personally, on a path to learning more about myself, my business and my purpose, but she also gave me the confidence to shine, grow and become even more successful in all aspects of personal and professional development. 

— Glory

Tune in to episodes around what I see, where I be and what’s coming up for me. A place where we can stop TRYing and embody the success we are designed to experience. Success on our terms.

Come on...Dive in...

To The Projector Paradigm

I'm ready to binge!

I now know myself better and truly pinpoint the things that I will excel at and will NOT excel at so I can better focus my energy on the creative process and hire out the mundane things that aren't meant for me. This was a revelation for me AND a permission slip run my business the way I WANT TO instead of feeling like I need to do everything. I also have better insights on my personal life and knowing that my energy to work and create goes in waves. It has allowed me to accept that if I don't have that creative energy flowing, to be OK with that instead of being mad at myself for not being able to "make progress." This allows me to know when I need to take a break to keep me from being burned out. 

— Ryan